Do You Have Employee Retention Problem
There are a lot of great expensive employee retention strategies to keep your best employees. However, these will work only if the company has a huge HR budget to spend.
Many of the companies do not have the huge extra budget to spend on employee retention program. The problem of employee leaving the company is lack of attention and care. Companies need a cost saving strategy to be in place to reduce replacement cost, keep productivity and morale high.
10 tips for employee retention
- Monthly Team Lunch: Organize a monthly team lunch nearby workplace and extend the lunch time a little longer. This will help to build relationship among employees themselves.
- Volunteering time: Organize a quarterly Community Involvement Program (CIP) that serves higher purpose and helps those less fortunate. This builds the teamwork and contribute to the society.
- Decorating budget: Brighten up the standard and bored office. Come out with a small budget for the employee to decorate their workspace. This will make the office livelier and will improve their satisfaction.
- Office fruit bowls: Have a Friday fruit bowl, a healthy benefit that warm the employees.
- Team workouts: Mid-week teamwork out that can encourage better fitness and employee health with zero or little cost.
- Bring your family to work day: Colleagues are typically delighted to meet each other families. It is a way to let family member understand their work environment and a way to build relationship.
- Birthday day off: An off day on their birthday is the best present for employee. Although this cost a day’s wages, but this will show that you care and appreciate the employee.
- Relaxed dress code: Allow employee to have a relaxed dress day if they are not meeting any important client. Employees feel more comfortable when they come in casual outfit.
- Medical Coverage: Not only physical care, but we also need to take care of their medical fee. This will be the most important factor among all others. Able to absorb their medical fee will not only increase the loyalty of the employee, but it will also enable employee’s willingness to contribute more to the company.
- Comfortable relaxation zone: Create a cozy and relaxing corner for the employees. Put a few couches or coffee table, with a few books or board games. Employees need the occasional quiet thinking time and away from their desks, to rest their mind and body. This will enhance work productivity.
Drop us a call to find out more ways and programs to improve your company employee retention rate.

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